Sustainable Expression of Self

“Our work – what we really do – and the impact of our work is evidence of who we are. What we really do is a holographic signature. Work takes on an artistic flow when mindfully allowed to become a sustainable expression of self.” -Awareness – The Portal of Impact; Chapter One: Impact

Garrett’s development focus for the year was simply, “Being consistently aware of what I desire to do.” Committed to this focus, Garrett began to take his networking strategies to a new level. He began to have one-on-one meetings with influential nodes in his leadership network. He entered each conversation prepared to seek validation for his unfolding intention and input for the approach of expression.

We each need to know that we’ve got what it takes. It is important to hear validating input and know others appreciate the unique signature of our work; and the assurance of this impact is confidence focused on what we really do. Success is no longer owned only by outcomes and arrivals. The flow of our work is sustained by the joy found in choosing in light of what we really do; who we really are at our best.

Commitment to such an expression of self is paying off for Garrett. A VP who depends on Garrett recently said to him, “As a leader, hands-down, you’ve got it.”

Garrett is learning to trust in the buoyancy of the being that God made him to be.

8 thoughts on “Sustainable Expression of Self

  1. I really love the idea and believe the idea that “what we do is a holographic signature.” This article is a call to be mindful of what we express every day. Beautifully written, Jeff.

  2. Jeff, I love the reminder that we “We each need to know that we’ve got what it takes. It is important to hear validating input and know others appreciate the unique signature of our work.” I so love to receive and give this. We must remember to do this. Thank you for this.

  3. I agree that we all need validating input; there is nothing better than sincere compliments and testimonials to assure you that you are in your niche. Great insight, Jeff!

  4. Pingback: Facilitate Focus « Jeff Brunson

  5. Pingback: The Impact of Your Love « Wading the Stream of Awareness

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